JONES, Kenneth W.

JONES, Kenneth W. Oakland, Calif. 21.12.1934 — Manhattan, Kansas 22.9.1996. U.S. Historian of India. Educated at Stockton College, then at University of California in Berkeley (B.A. 1958, M.A. 1959, Ph.D, 1966, under Thomas Metcalf). From 1965 taught many years at History Faculty of Kansas State University, from 1989 as Distinguished Professor. He was a specialist of the history of the Arya Samaj and religious movements in the Punjab and India. Married, one son. Died of cancer.

Publications: Diss. The Arya Samaj in the Punjab a study of social reform and religious revivalism, 1877-1902. Manuscript of 6+340 p. Berkeley 1966.

Arya Dharm. Hindu consciousness in 19th century Punjab. 16+343 p. Berkeley 1976.

Socio-religious Reform Movements in British India. 10+243 p. The New Cambridge History of India 3:1. Cambridge 1989.

Edited: Religious Controversy in British India: Dialogues in South Asian Languages. 11+291 p. SUNY Series. Albany NY 1992.

– Articles.

Sources: Death announced by Frank Conlon in the Indology and H_Asia Lists, the same in Journal of Asian Studies 56, 1997, 291f.

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