JOURDAIN, John. 15?? — 17.7.1619. British Traveller in India. Son of John J., a merchant and mayor of Lyme Regis in Dorset. In 1595 trading in the Azores. Participated in the English Indian voyage of 1608, remained in Surat when others went to the Mughal court (—> Hawkins). In 1610 visited Agra (6 months), then joined Middleton’s ship, visited Moluccas, worked as factor in Sumatra and Java and only returned to England in summer 1617. In February 1618 he again left for the East (Bantam), but was killed in a squirmish with the Dutch near Malacca. Mainly wrote of his own adventures without much information about the country.
Publications: The Journal of John Jourdain, 1608-1617, describing his Experiences in Arabia, India, and the Malay Archipelago. Ed. by William Foster. 82+394+40 p., 4 maps The Hakluyt Society, 2nd Series 16. L. 1905.
Sources: *Foster’s long Introduction (p. xiii-lxxii); J.K.L[aughton], D.N.B. 30, 1892, 214; Oaten 1909, 158-161; Wikipedia.
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