FALCONER, Forbes. Aberdeen 10.9.1805 — London 7.11.1853. British (Scottish) Oriental Scholar. Son of Gilbert F., educated in Aberdeen, studies of Classics at Marischal College, Aberdeen. Studied nearly five years in Paris Arabic and Persian under Silvestre de Sacy and Hindustani under Garcin de Tassy, in 1834 Sanskrit at Göttingen under Ewald. From 1834 for a short time Professor of Arabic, Persian and Hindustani at London University College.
Publications: A Persian grammar; translated Persian poetry, Sa‘dī, Jāmī, etc.
– Translated with J. Scott: The book of Sindibād; or, The story of the king, his son, the damsel, and seven vazīrs. 56+385 p. Glasgow 1884.
Sources: C.B[endall], D.N.B. 18, 1889, 158; Buckland, Dictionary; Wikipedia.
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