HERTZ, Henry Felix

HERTZ, Henry Felix. 14.5.1863 — Burma 6.11.1932. British Civil Servant in Burma. Son of Viggo Hertz (1827–1886) and Annie Fairweather (d. 1876), grandson of Bishop Jens Michael Hertz of Ribe, Denmark. Apparently born in Burma, where his father had come as a young man. “Educated at St. Xavier’s College in Calcutta, passed the Higher Standard in Burmese, Shan and Kachin languages, took active part in the operations round Mandalay, 1886-7, and Shan States, 1887-90, and in operations in Kachin Hills, 1890-1900.” Superintendent of Police in Burma. C.I.E. 1900. In retirement living in Burma. Married in 1884 Thora Vilhelmine (Bina) Hertz, his cousin, one daughter.

Publications: Handbook of the Kachin or Chingpaw Language: Containing the Grammatical Principles and Peculiarities of the Language, Colloquial Exercises, and a Vocabulary. 48 p. Rangoon 1895.

A Practical Hand-book of the Kachin Language: Containing the Grammatical Principles and Peculiarities of the Language, Colloquial Exercises, and a Vocabulary: With an Appendix on Kachin Customs, Laws and Religion. 163 p. Rangoon 1902.

Sources: Buckland, Dictionary; Who Was Who 1929–1940; Fr. Iürgensen & P. Hennings, Biografisk Slægteregister over de indbyrdes beslægtede Familier Sangaard, Buntzen, Koch og Iürgensen samt de med dem forbundne Grene af Familierne Kellermann, Bugge, Hertz, Biering m. fl. Copenhagen 1910, 134.

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