FORSYTH, James. 1838 — London 1.5.1871. British Civil Servant in India. Educated in England. M.A. Joined I.C.S. in 1857. Assistant Conservator and Acting Conservator of Forests, then briefly Deputy Commissioner of Nimar under R. Temple. In 1862-64 made a great tour in Central India for Bengal Staff Corps. A keen hunter.
His position remains unclear. The sources below call him member of I.C.S., but several other Internet sources present him as colonial officer (Captain). According to title page of the 1867 book he was then Lieutenant of Bengal Staff Corps.
Publications: Sporting Rifle and its Projectiles. 1862, rev. 2nd ed. 8+185 p. L. 1867.
– The Highlands of Central-India: Notes on their Forests and Wild Tribes, Natural History, and Sports. 472 p. L. 1871 (much on tribals).
Sources: G.B.S[mith], D.N.B. 20, 1889, 31f.; Wikipedia (from D.N.B.).
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