GIROLAMO DA SANTO STEFANO. 14?? — 15??. Italian (Genoan) Merchant and Traveller. Son of n.n. and Susanna Mainieri. In 1494 he left Genoa, together with Girolamo Adorno, for the East on a commercial venture. They went via Cairo to the Red Sea and from Aden to Bengal, then to Ceylon and Coromandel coast and further to Pegu (Burma). Adorno died there of an illness 27.12.1496. Alone, G.S.S. proceeded via Sumatra to Cambay and Hormuz and through Iran to Aleppo In 1499 sent a decription of his travels to Gian Giacomo Mainerio, who published a Portuguese translation of it in Lisbon.
Publications: Trellado de hûa carta que Jeronimo de santo Estevân escriveo de Tripoli a Joham Iacome Mayer em Baruti. Lisbon 1502, Italian retranslation in Ramusio, Navigationi. 1. Venice 1550, also a Dutch version, Amsterdam 1664.
– M. Longhena: Viaggi in Persia, India e Giava di Nicolò Conti, Girolamo Adorno e Girolamo da Santo Stefano. 259 p. Milano 1929.
Sources: E.Basso, D.B.I. 56, 2001 (in
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