HOLDICH, Thomas H.

HOLDICH, Thomas Hungerford. Dingley, Northamptonshire 13.2.1843 — Merrow, Surrey 2.11.1929. Sir. British Colonial Officer and Geographer in India. Son of Rev. Thomas Peach H., educated at Godolphin Grammar School and Woolwich Military Academy. In 1862 joined the Royal Engineers and came to India in 1865 and was soon attached to the Survey of India. He served in the Bhutan expedition in 1865, Abyssinian war 1867, Afghan war 1878-80 and Tirah expedition 1897-98. In 1884-86 he was on special duty with Afghan Boundary Commission, then in Baluchistan, in 1892-98 Superintendent of Indian Frontier Surveys. In 1895 in Pamir Commission, 1896 in Perso-Beluch Commission, retired 1898. In 1902-03 on Argentine-Chile boundary, determining the true watershed as boundary line. Brevet-Colonel 1891. C.B. & C.I.E. 1894, K.C.I.E. 1897. In 1917-19 President of Royal Geographical Society. Married 1873 Ada Vanrenen, two daughters and two sons.

Publications: “The Greek retreat from India”, Journal of the Society of Arts 49, 1901, 417-431 and other papers, often on military surveying and geography.

The Indian Borderland, 1880–1900. 402 p. L. 1901 (also on earlier history).

Through Central Asia. 12+402 p. L. 1901.

Tibet, the Mysterious. The Story of Exploration. 12+356 p. L. 1904.

India. 12+375 p. Regions of the World. L. 1905.

The Gates of India, Being an Historical Narrative of Early Relations Between the East and the West. 15+555 p. L. 1910.

Sources: Buckland, Dictionary; *K. Mason & H.L. Crosthwait, Geogr. Journal 75, 1930, 209-217; R.H. Phillimore, Himalayan Journal 2, 1930 with photo (www.himalayanclub.org/hj/02/15/in-memoriam/); D. Wright, Encyclop. Iranica 12:4, 2004, 430; Wikipedia with photo.

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