HÜLLMANN, Karl Dietrich. Erdeborn, Mansfeld-Südharz 10.9.1765 — Bonn 4.3.1846. German Historian. Son of Erdmann H., a minister, and Eleonore Dorguth (d. 1772). After gymnasium in Eisleben studied theology and philosophy, soon also history at Halle. From 1786 worked as school director in Bremen, Kloster Berge and Berlin. Ph.D. 1793 Göttingen. PD 1795 and ao. Professor of History from 1797 at Frankfurt an der Oder, ord. 1807, from 1808 at Königsberg. From 1818 Professot at Bonn, retired 1841.Hüllmann’s early study of Buddhism briefly discusses what was then known of its origin,
Publications: Historisch-kritischer Versuch über die Lamaische Religion. 6+54 p. Berlin 1796.
– Historisch-etymologischer Versuch über den Keltisch-Germanischen Volksstamm. B. 1798; many other works on German and Graeco-Roman history, often on economical history.
– Geschichte des Byzantinischen Handels bis zum Ende der Kreutzzüge. Frankfurt a. d. Oder 1808; Handelsgeschichte der Griechen. Bonn 1839.
Sources: M. Ditsche, N.D.B. 9, 1972, 733f.; *F.X. von Wegele, A.D.B. 13, 1881, 330-332; German Wikipedia with portrait.
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