JACKSON, Welby Brown. Ilford, Essex (London) 30.12.1802 — 17.11.1890.British Civil Servant and Artist in India. Son of Sor John J., Bart. (1763–1820), M.P., and Charlotte Spry Gorham (1772–1807). To India before 1830, 1852 still there, 1856 in England and then lived long in Upton, Buckinghamshire (still there 1881). At some time Judge of Sudder Court Calcutta. Three times married: 1823 Katherine Hungerford (1807–1836), 1839 Maria Margaretta Aguilar (1817–1843), and 1856 Elizabeth Mary Ireland, children with each, altogether seven sons and four daughters. Known of his aquarels.
Publications: “Notice of two heads found in the Northern Districts of Panjab”, JASB 21, 1852, 511f. 1 pl..
Sources: thepeerage.com; Wikidata.
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