JUNGBLUT, Leonhard J. 1906 — Bombay 1979. Rev. Father, S.V.D. Dutch Catholic Missionary in India. As a young man in the 1930s member of Indore mission, worked on Bhils. Anthropological fieldwork in 1938-39. In 1962-71 Principal of St. Theresa’s High School in Bombay.
Publications: A Short Bhili Grammar of Jhabua State and Adjoining Territories. 92 p. Mhow 1938 (meant for missionaries).
– Magic songs of the Bhils of Jhabua State C.I. 136 p. 4 pl. Leiden 1943.
– With W. Koppers: “Betrothal Rites among the Bhil of North-Western Central India”, Art. As. 9. 1946, 5-33; “Wedding Rites among the Bhil of North-Western Central India”, Anthropos 46, 1951, 113-139.
– Die Missetäterstämme. Ein Buch von Indiens ältestem Volk. 243 p. Mödling 1947.
– Edited: W. Koppers, Bowmen of Mid-India. A Monography of the Bhils of Jhabua (M. P.) and Adjoining Territories. 1-2. 13+289, 11+295 p. 36+20 pl. Acta Ethnologica et Liguistica 33. Vienna 1976.
Sources: Stray notes in Internet.
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