KITAGAWA, Joseph Mitsuo. Osaka 8.3.1915 — Chicago 7.10.1992. U.S. (Japanese-born) Scholar of Religion.  Born in a Christian Japanese family, his father was episcopal priest, grew up in Japan. Studied theology at Rikkyo University in Tokyo, graduated B.A. 1937. Now went to the U.S.A. for further theology studies at Berkeley. During the war interned, released 1945. Now further studies at Chicago Divinity School, Ph.D. 1951. Then teaching there, finally as the Head of History of Religions Department, 1970-80 also Dean of Divinity School. Retired in 1984. Died of pneumonia. Married sociologist Evelyn Mae Rose (1920–2007), their daughter Anne Rose K. (b. 1965) is a specialist of Japanese art.

Publications: Diss. Kobo-daishi and Shingon Buddhism. 1951.

– Edited with M. D. Cummings: Buddhism and Asian history. N.Y. 1989.

– Much on Japanese religions, on history of religions and on Christianity; reviews in Journal of Religion.

Sources: *F.E. Reynolds & Th.M. Ludwig (eds.), Transitions and Transformations in the History of Religions: Essays in Honour of J.M.K. Leiden 1980; Wikipedia (also articles of his wife and daughter).

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