MARTINET, André. Saint-Alban-des-Villards (Savoie) 12.4.1908 — Châtenay-Malabry (Paris) 16.7.1999. French Linguist. Began his studies in Paris with English (aggregation 1930) and Germanic. Ph.D. 1937 Paris. In 1938-46 directeur d’études at É.P.H.É. In 1947-55 taught at Columbia University in New York. Then returned to É.P.H.É. and soon Professor of General Linguistics at Sorbonne/Paris V. Married Karen Mikkelsen Sørensen, then  Semiotician Jeanne Allard (1920–2018). As a linguist Martinet followed the Prague School and strongly polemized with N. Chomsky.

Publications: Diss. I. La gémination consonantique d’origine expressive dans les langues germaniques. Copenhagen 1937; diss. II. La phonologie du mot en danois. P. 1937.

– “Non-apophonic O-vocalism in Indo-European”, Word 9, 1953, 253-267; “Some cases of -K-/-W- alternation in Indo-European”, Word 12, 1956, 1-6.

– Des steppes aux océans: L’indo-européen et les ‘Indo-Européens’. 274 p. P. 1986.

– Much on general linguistics, especially Elements de linguistique général. P. 1960.

Sources: *Bibliography in Word 23, 1967, 1-12?; Wikipedia with photo (see also the French version).

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