KERN, Fritz

KERN, Fritz (Max Friedrich Ludwig Hermann). Stuttgart 28.9.1884 — Mainz 21.5.1950. German Historian. Son of Hermann von Kern (1854–1932), Councillor of state in Württenberg, and Karoline von Hufnagel, a Roman Catholic family. Gymnasium in Stuttgart. From 1902 studies of law at Lausanne, but soon history at Tübingen and Berlin. Ph.D. 1906 Berlin. Visited a number of European archives. PD 1909 Kiel, 1913 ao. Professor there. In 1914-22 ord. Professor at Frankfurt, then at Bonn until retirement in 1947. Married 1909 Bertha von Hartmann (divorce 1911), two daughters and one son, and 1941 Elisabeth Charlotte Ahrens, one son.

Publications: Much on medieval European history.

Aśoka, Kaiser und Missionar. Ed. by W. Kirfel. 208 p. Bern 1956.

Sources: H. Trimborn, ZfEthnol. 76, 1951, 137f. (with a list of his historical writings); Wikipedia, long article with further references (see also German version).

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