KING, James Stewart.

KING, James Stewart. County Wexford, Ireland 15.5.1848 — Hampshire 1910. British (Irish?) Colonial Officer and Persian Scholar in India. Son of Rev. Robert Belsham King and Harriette Brunker, educated at Fairfield, Wexford, Dublin University, and R.M.C. Sandhurst. In 1868 joined Indian army, from 1874 in Bombay Staff Corps. In 1877-78 Superintendent of Army Schools, Bombay, in 1878-79 on duty assisting Dowson collecting and translating Persian historical manuscripts, 1879-80 Assistant Political Agent in Sawantwari, Aden and Kolapur, and Agent in Zaila. In 1884 led an expedition against Kotaibi Hill Arabs in north of Aden, then took over the Western Somali coast from Egyptians and counteracted toward French schemes there in 1885-87, also exploring the interior. Major 1888, retired 1892. Married 1871 in Dublin Harriette Achesina Newell (1851–1923), one daughter.

Publications: Articles in IA 1887ff. on Somali as written language and on the aborigines of Soqotra.

– “The Siege of Ahmadnagar and Heroic Defensce of the Fort by Chand Bibi – A Narrative of an Eyewitness”, IA 27, 1898, 232-237, 268-270, 281-295, 318-321; articles in JRAS.

The History of the Bahmani Dynasty. Founded on the Burhân-i Ma, Âsir (of Ali Bin Aziz-Ullah Tabataba). 157 p. L. 1900.

Sources: Buckland, Dictionary; not in Who Was Who.

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