OLIVIER, Georges. Paris 6.9.1912 — 13.3.1996. French Anthropologist. Dr.méd. 1938 Paris. Military surgeon in Indochine. Dr.-es-sc. 1955 Paris. From 1953 Professeur agrégé d’anatomie at Lille, from 1963 Prof. agr. d’anthropologie in Paris. In 1969 founded the Laboratory of Biological Anthropology (Faculté de sciences, Paris). Retired 1978. Also a noted anatomist.
Publications: Diss. Les populations de Cambodge. P. 1955.
– Anthropologie des Tamouls du sud de l’Inde. 29+339 p. 9 pl. 62 fig. P. 1961.
– With E. C. Büchi; Anthropologie des tibétains. 164 p. 40 pl. P. 1965.
– Much on physical anthropology.
Sources: Fr. Demoulin, Bull. et Mém. de la Soc. d’Anthropologie N.S. 8, 1996, 511.
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