KOČNEV, Valentin Ivanovič. Perejaslavl-Zalesskij 29.4.1921 — 20.3.1982. Russian Historian and Ethnographist of South Asia. Son of a worker, educated in Moscow. Served in the Red Army in 1939-46 and participated in the WW II in 1941-45. Graduated in 1951 from Moscow Institut vostokovedenija. Kand. ist. nauk 1955. In 1955-82 naučnyj sotrudnik at Inst. ètnografii of Academy of Sciences in Moscow.
Publications: At least 30 publications, e.g.:
– “Pandžab v period misalej i obrazovanie gosudarstva sikhov”, Trudy Inst. ètnografii 65, 1961, 5-44
– In Narody Južnoj Azii. M. 1963: “Religii”, 144-165; “Marathi”, 401-427; with H. R. Guseva: “Puštuny”, 731-753; with M. G. Aslanov: “Narody Cejlona”, 817-878.
– Naselenie Cejlona. Istoriko-ètnografičeskij očerk. 348 p. M. 1965.
– Gosudarstvo sikhov i Anglija. 176 p. M. 1968.
Sources: *Sov. ètnografija 1981:5, 166f. & 1983:1, 167f. with photo; Miliband 1995.
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