RENEL, Charles Ulysse. Strasbourg 6.5.1866 — Antanarivo 9.9.1925. French Philologist. Son of Émile R., a railway official, and Uranie Lafite (D. 1878). After Franco-Prussian war the family moved to Épinal (Vosges). From 1884 studies in Paris, at Lycée Louis-le-Grand and from 1886 École normale supérieure, concentrating on linguistics and comparative religion. Agrégé 1889, then worked as teacher. Ph.D. 1896 Lyon under Regnaud. From 1897 charge de conférences at Caen, 1898 maître de conférences at Besançon and very soon at Lyon. From 1900 Professeur adjoint at Lyon. In 1906 accepted administrative office in Madagascar (directeur de l’enseignement). Collected there local art and artefacts. Married 1895 Marthe Pitaud.
Publications: Diss. I. L’Évolution d’un mythe. Açvins et Dioscures. 300 p. Ann. de l’Univ. de Lyon 24. P. 1896.
– Diss. II. Compositorum graecorum: quorum in σι prior pars exit de origine et usu. 111 p. Lugduni 1896.
– Further works on classical antiquity (especially on Rome and on Gauls), also wrote on Madagascar and pedagogical works.
Sources: J. Roubeau-Raharisoa, “Charles Renel: une vie, une époque, une œuvre. Éléments de biographie”, Océan indien 40-41, 2008, 237-255; French Wikipédia briefly.
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