RICHARDS, Glyn. Rhymney, Wales 6.8.1923 — 7.3.2003. Rev. British (Welsh) Philosopher and Scholar of Religion. Son of Thomas Richards and Rose Jones. Studies at University of Wales (B.A. 1950), Oxford (M.Litt. 1954) and McMaster University (M.A. 1969). Ordained priest 1952. In 1952-68 congregational minister in Swansea, Wales. In 1968-70 Tutor at at McMaster University and 1970-73 Chaplain and Lecturer Carleton University, Ottawa. From 1973 Lecturer, then Senior Lecturer at University of Stirling, Scotland, in 1977-90 also Head of Department of Religious Studies there, emeritus 1990. Married Helga Jones, four children, and after her death Franca.
Publications: “Śūnyata: Objective Referent or Via Negativa”, Religious Studies 14, 1978, 251-260; other articles.
– The Philosophy of Gandhi. A Study of his Basic Ideas. 9+178 p. L. 1982
– Edited: A source-book of modern Hinduism. 10+212 p. L. 1985.
– Studies in religion: a comparative approach to theological and philosophical themes. 10+214 p. L. 1995.
– Gandhi’s Philosophy of Education. 128 p. N.D. 2001.
Sources:; brief obituary by E. Hughes in Y Gadwyn March 2003 (in
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