ROSS, Aileen Dansken. Montreal 1902 — 1995. Canadian Sociologist. Born of a wealthy family. Studies at London School of Economics (B.Sc. 1939) and University of Chicago (M.A. 1941). Ph.D. 1951 Chicago (diss. on Anglo-French relations in Canada). In 1942-45 Lecturer in Sociology at Toronto. From 1944 Lecturer, 1951 Assistant Professor, 1961 associate Professor and 1964-70 Professor at McGill University in Montreal, then emerita.
Publications: The Hindu Family in Its Urban Setting. 325 p. Toronto 1961.
– Student Unrest in India: A Comparative Approach. 14+301 p. Montreal 1969.
– Businesswomen and Business Cliques in Three cities: Delhi, Sydney, and Montreal. 1979.
– Writings not related with South Asia; many articles and reviews.
Sources:; stray notes in Internet.
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