SARASIN, Fritz (Karl Friedrich). Basel 3.12.1859 — Lugano 23.3.1942.Swiss Naturalist. Son of cotton factory owner and politician Felix Sarasin (1797–1862) and Rosalia Brunner, second cousin of —> Paul Sarasin, with whom he then had a lifelong friendship. Studied natural sciences at Geneva and Basel, where he met his cousin. Together they then studied zoology at Würzburg. In 1883-86 they made zoological and anthropological fieldwork in Ceylon, 1893-96 and 1902-03 in Celebes and 1907 again in Ceylon, in 1910-11 alone in New Caledonia. They lived in Berlin and from 1896 again in Basel, where Fritz worked as director of the local zoo.

Publications: With P. Sarasin: Ergebnisse naturwissenschaftlicher Forschungen in Ceylon in den Jahren 1884-86. gr. 4. Bd. III. Die Weddas von Ceylon und die sie umgebenden Völkerschaften. 699 p. 68 pl. Wb. 1892-93.

– Aus den Tropen. Reiseerinnerungen aus Ceylon, Celebes und Neu-Caledonien. 8 Vorträge. 194 p. Basel1931.

– Reisen und Forschungen in Ceylon in den Jahren 1883 bis 1886, 1890, 1902, 1907 und 1925. 185 p. 22 pl. Basel 1939.

Sources: *Chr. Simon, Reisen, Sammeln und Forschen. Die Basler Naturhistoriker Paul und Fritz Sarasin. Basel 2015; German Wikipedia with photo.

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