KURYŁOWICZ, Jerzy. Stanisławów (now Ivano-Frankivsk in Ukraina) 26.8.1895 — Cracow 28.1.1978. Polish IE Scholar. Professor in Lwów (L’viv) and Cracow. Born in what was then the Polish part of Austro-Hungarian empire, son of Roman K. and Flora Kleczyńska. Gymnasium in Lemberg (L’viv). In 1913-14 and again 1918-20 studies at commercial school and Oriental Academy in Vienna, graduated from both in 1920. In 1915-18 officer in Austrian army, one year as Russian prisoner of war. In 1921-23 studies of Romance and German languages at Lwów (L’viv), 1923 Ph.D. there. With a scholarship, further studies in 1923-25 in Paris, where he became interested in IE linguistics, under Meillet, Vendryes and Bloch. From 1926 PD, then 1928 eo. and 1934 ord. Professor of IE linguistics at Lwów (succeeding Gawroński). Visiting Professor at Yale in 1931-32, at Vienna 1932, in London 1935-36. In 1941-44 he taught at commercial school in Lwów, in 1939-41 and 1944-46 Professor of Linguistics there. Forced to leave Lwów, he was in 1946-48 Professor of IE Linguistics at Wrocław and from 1948 Professor of General Linguistics at Jagiellonian University in Cracow. Retired in 1965. From 1938 member of Polish Academy of Sciences (correspondent from 1931). Hon. dr. 1965 Vienna. Married, one son.
Kuryłowicz was one of the leading Indoeuropeanists of his time. Among other things he formulated the six laws of analogy and recognized that Hittite ḫ represented the sonant coefficient of de Saussure. Among his students was Rysiewicz.
Publications: Traces de la place du ton en gathique. 38 p. B.É.H.É. 244. 1925.
– “Les effets du ə en indoiranien”, Prace filologiczne 11, 1927, 202-243.
– “Quelques problèmes métriques du Rigvéda”, RO 4, 1926 (1928), 196-218; “Les formes verbales composées du Rigvéde”, Biul. Polsk. Tow. Językozn. 5, 1936, 39-46.
– “Le problème des intonations balto-slaves”, Rocznik slaw. 10, 1931, 1-80; “Intonation et morphologie en slave commun”, Rocznik slaw. 14, 1936, 1-66.
– Études indoeuropéennes. 1. 294 p. Po.Ak.Um. Prace Kom. Jęz. 18. Cracow 1935.
– L’accentuation des langues indo-européennes. 527 p. Prace Kom. Jęz. 37. 1952, 2nd ed. 434 p. Prace Jęz. 17. 1958; L’apophonie en indo-européen. 430 p. Prace Jęz. 9. 1956; L’apophonie en sémitique. 221 p. Prace Jęz. 24. 1961.
– Esquisses Linguistiques. 311 p. Prace Jęz. 19. 1960, Russian transl. 1962.
– The inflectional categories of Indo-European. 246 p. Idg. Bibl. Heidelberg 1964.
– Indogermanische Grammatik. 2. Akzent, Ablaut. 371 p. Idg. Bibl. Heidelberg 1968.
– Studies in Semitic Grammar and Metrics. 207 p. Prace Jęz. 67. Wrocław 1972.
– Metrik und Sprachgeschichte. 254 p. Prace Jęz. 83. Wrocław 1975.
– Numerous articles on IE and Indo-Iranian, occasionally also Germanic, Slavic and Semitic linguistics.
Sources: *J. Rusek, Historiographia Linguistica 25, 1998, 141-146; *E. Stankiewics, Polish Review 23, 1978, 39-46; Bio-bibliogr. de 134 savants. 1979, 311-327; *Kuryłowicz Memorial Vol. Cracow 1995 with bibliography and three photos (also in TITUS Galeria); Wikipedia with photo.
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