KUZNECOV, Bronislav Ivanovič. Leningrad 2.11.1931 (or 2.12.?) — Leningrad 24.7.1985. Russian Tibetan Scholar. Son of a worker. Studies under Vorob’ev-Desjatoskij and Pankratov at Leningrad Oriental Faculty, graduated 1956. Field experience from Buryatia. Kand. filol. nauk 1962. From 1959 taught at Leningrad Oriental Faculty. Interested in Iranian elements in Tibetan Buddhism.
Publications: More than 40 items, e.g. Tibetskaja letopis’. “Svetloe zercalo carskih rodoslovnyh”. (Gl. 18). 123 p. Lg. 1961 (accepted as kand.diss.).
– Ed. Rhyal Rabs Csal ba’i Me long (The clear mirror of royal genealogies). 221 p. Leiden 1966.
– Articles in Russian on Tibetan and Buddhism, e.g. “O terminax ‘hinajana’ i ‘mahajana’”, UZLU 401, Ser. vostokov. nauk 2122, 1979, 189-198.
– Drevnij Iran i Tibet (Istorija religii Bon). 352 p. St.P. 1998.
Sources: Miliband. 1977 & 1995; *B. M. Narmaev, NAA 1986:5214f. (with bibliography); Russian Vikipedija with photo.
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