LABER, Julius

LABER, Julius. Köln 11.5.1884 — 1944?. German Student of Indology. Son of a bookseller from Cologne, where he attended school and Gymnasium. From 1903 studies of law at Bonn, then at Berlin, Freiburg i.Br., and Leipzig. Back to Bonn in 1905, in 1906 moved to Philosophical Faculty, where 1906-08 studies of classical philology, comparative and German linguistics and from 1908 Sanskrit under Jacobi. Ph.D. 1913 Bonn. His dissertation was mainly (p. 9–34) a linguistics analysis of the Prākrit anthology, which he also edited. In 1920 he wrote that after the war he had no means to continue his studies and had to join his brother’s (Erwin Laber) publishing and bookselling company. One J.L., dr.phil., was buried in Köln on 28.11.1944.

Publications: Diss. Über das Vajjâlaggam des Jayavallabha. 45 p. Lp. 1913.

Edited: Vajjālaggam: A Prakrita Poetical Work on Rhetoric with Sanskrit Version. 292 p. Bibl. Ind. Calcutta 1914–44.

Sources: Vita in diss; five letters (1912–22) in Letters to Vijayendra Suri. 1959, 140-144 (discussed by J. Soni, WZKS 58, 2019-21, 81-83); tomb listed in

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