STACE, Walter Terence. Hampstead, London 17.11.1886 — Laguna Beach, Calif. 2.8.1967. British Civil Servant in Sri Lanka. Son of Major Edward Vincent Stace (1841–1903) of Royal Artillery and Amy Mary Watson (1856–1934). Educated ar Bath College (1895-1901) and at Fettes College in Edinburgh (1902-04). Planning priestly career he studied at Trinity College, Dublin, but gradually turned to philosophy and graduated in 1908. Pressed by family he joined Ceylon Civil Service in 1910. D.Litt. 1929 Trinity College (diss. on knowledge theory). Finally mayor of Colombo 1931-32. Retired in 1932 and became a Lecturer in Philosophy at Princeton, from 1935 Stuart Professor of Philosophy. Emeritus 1955. Died of heart attack at home. Twice married, 1910 Adelaide McKechnie (b. 1868, divorce 1924) and 1926 Blanche Bianca Beven (1897–1986).

Stace mainly concentrated on Western philosophy, but in Sri Lanka he also became interested in Hinduism and Buddhism.

Publications: Buddhism and Western Thought: A Comparison. 63 p. Colombo 1914.

– Philosophical books not dealing with Sri Lanka, also wrote on religion and mysticism.

Sources: J.R. Toussaint, Journal of the Dutch Burgher Union of Ceylon 23, 1934, 142; Wikipedia, long article with photo and further references.

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