SYKES, Percy Molesworth. Brompton, Kent 28.2.1867 — London 11.6.1945. Sir. British Colonial Officer and Diplomat. Brigadier-General. Son of army chaplain Rev. William Sykes (1829–1900) and Mary Molesworth, educated at Rugby, military education at Sandhurst. From 1888 served in 2nd Dragoon Guards in India, 1895 Lieutenant, 1897 Captain. In 1892 secret mission to Uzbekistan, 1901 participted in Boer War. In 1902 transferred to Indian Army, served as Consul in Kerman, 1915 Consul General for Chinese Turkestan in Kashgar, then again in Iran. Retired from army 1924. K.C.I.E. 1915. Married 1902 Evelyn Seton (1882–1973), six children.
Publications: “The Gypsies of Persia. A Second Vocabulary”, JRAnthrInst 36, 1906, 302-311.
– A History of Persia. 19+565 p. L. 1915.
– With Ella Sykes (his sister): Through deserts and oases of Central Asia. 12+340 p. L. 1920; several travel books on Iran.
– A History of Exploration. L. 1934; The Quest for Cathay. 278 p. 1936; Explorers All, Famous Journeys in Asia. 206 p. L. 1939.
– A History of Afghanistan. 1-2. L. 1939-40.
Sources: *A. Wynn, Persia in the Great Game – Sir Percy Sykes: Explorer, Consul, Soldier. 2003; Wikipedia with photo.
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