TODD, K. R. U.

TODD, Killingworth Richard Utten. Samford, Suffolk 16.12.1904 — Surrey 13.4.1950. British Naval Officer in India. Son of Richard James Utten Todd (1874–1962) and Constance Ethelreda Lunn. Joined the Royal Indian Navy as Sub-Lieutenant, finally rose to Commander. In WW II participated in Burmese operations. As archaeologist he was interested both in Indian prehistory and in Neolithic Britain. Married 1931 Helen St Bride Douglas (1904–1948), one daughter.

Publications: “Prehistoric man round Bombay”, Prehistoric Society of East Anglia 8, 1932, 35-42; “Palaeolithic Industries of Bombay”, JRAnthrInst69, 1939, 257-272; “A microlithic industry of eastern Mysore” Man 48, 1948, 28-30; “The microlithic industries of Bombay”, Ancient India 6, 1950, 4-16.

Sources: T. Ruikar, Antiquity 88, 2014, (online in with photo;

Last Updated on 3 months by Admin


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