VIRIEUX, Eugène. 1861 — 31.10.1923. Swiss Priest. Lic.théol. Ordained 1884. Pastor in Rougemont from 1885, in Champvent 1886, again in Rougemont 1889 and from 1894 until death in Crassier (Vaud).
Publications: Le Bouddha, sa vie et sa doctrine: essai d’histoire des religions. 104 p. Lausanne & P. 1884 (inferior to Christianity).
Sources: Brief obituary in The Swiss Observer 22,9,1923 (in N.B. The book is not mentioned in it, thus his authorship remains conjectural (but the book has a preface by another Swiss clergyman, thus its author is probably also from Switzerland). Further check revealed that it was presented (as theol. diss.?) to the Theol. Faculty of Lausanne and its author was a pastor.
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