LUDLOW, John Malcolm

LUDLOW, John Malcolm Forbes. Nimach, Madhya Pradesh 8.3.1821 — 17.10.1911. Sir. British Lawyer and Historian. Son of colonel John L. of I.C.S., educated at Merchant Taylor’s School and College Bourbon in Paris. In 1843 he was called to the bar from Lincoln’s Inn and practised as Conveyancer until 1874. In 1870-74 Secretary to the Royal Commission on Friendly and Benefit Societies, 1874-91 Chief Registrar of Friendly Societies in England. C.B. 1887. A Christian Socialist. His grandmother was the sister of —> John Briggs’ father.

Publications: British India, its Races and its History, considered with reference to the mutinies of 1857. 1-2. Cambridge 1858; The War in Oudh. 58 p. L. 1858; Thoughts on the Policy of the Crown towards India. 16+367 p. L. 1859; a number of articles.

– Several works not related to South Asia.

Sources: Buckland, Dictionary; Who Was Who 1899–1915; *N.C. Masterman, J.M.L. The Builder of Christian Socialism. Cambridge 1963; *E.R. Norman & H.C.G. Matthew, Oxford D.N.B.; Wikipedia.

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