BONFANTE, Giuliano

BONFANTE, Giuliano. Milano 6.8.1904 — Rome 9.9.2005. Italian IE and Romance Linguist. Son of Pietro B. (1864-1932), Professor and scholar of the history of Roman law. Studies of literature and law in Rome. Professor from 1929 at Naples, in 1933-37 in Madrid, Spain, 1938-52 in Geneva, Switzerland, 1939-52 at Princeton, U.S.A., since 1952 at Genoa. Retired in 1959, living since then in Turin.
Publications: Contributi glottologici. 36 p. Scuola di filol. class. dell’ Univ. di Roma 1:4. R. 1929; “Della intonazione sillabica indoeuropea”, Mem.R.Accad.Naz.Lincei s. VI, vol. 3, 1930, 209-253; “I dialetti indoeuropaei”, AION 4, 1931, 69-185; numerous articles.
– “‘Indo-Hittite’ and Areal Linguistics”, AJPh 67, 1946, 289-310; with I. J. Gelb: “The position of ‘Hieroglyphic Hittite’ among the Indo-European Languages”, JAOS 64, 1944, 169-190.
“Microcosmo e macrocosmo nel mito indoeuropeo”, Die Sprache 5, 1959, 1-8.
– “Iranico e indo-ariò”, IT 3-4, 1975-76, 53-71.
– Studies on Etruscan, Latin and Romance linguistics.
Sources: Lessico Universale Italiano 3, 1969; Who’s Who in Italy 1986, 1992; Wikipedia; *obituary in Titus homepage.

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