MACKICHAN, Dugald. Glasgow 1851 — 7.4.1932. Very Rev. British (Scottish) Missionary Scholar in India. Son of Alexander M., a tobacco and snuff merchant. Educated at Glasgow (M.A. 1869, B.D. 1874, D.D. 1884), Leipzig, and Berlin universities. Did early electrostatic and electromagnetic research. In 1873-74 Thomson Fellow. In 1874 ordained as a priest of the Free Church of Scotland. In 1875 went to India as missionary, taught at Wilson College in Bombay, in 1878-1920 its Principal. Retired in 1920. Vice-Chancellor of Bombay University in 1888-90, 1902-04. 1904-06, 1915-16. LL.D. 1901 Glasgow and 1916 Bombay. Married 1877 Eliza MacRitchie (d. 1920), two daughters. He knew both Sanskrit and Marathi.

Publications: Translated: Garbe, Introduction to the Bhagavad-Gita. 50 p. Bombay 1918; R. Roth, Introduction to the Nirukta. 46 p. Bombay 1919.

– “Advaita”, “Vallabha”, and other articles in E.R.E.

The Missionary Ideal of the Scottish Churches. 238 p. L. [1927?].

Forty-Five years in India: Memoirs and reminiscences of Principal Mackichan. 11+116 p. L. 1934.

Sources: R.F., Proc. Royal Soc. of Edinburgh 52, 1933, 468f.; Who Was Who 1929–1940; note in E.R.E. Index Vol. 1926; works in N.U.C.; Wikipedia.

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