MACLAGAN, Edward Douglas. Pañjāb, India 25.8.1864 — London 22.10.1952. Sir. British Civil Servant and Historian in India. Son of —> General Robert Maclagan (1820–1894) and Patricia Gilmour, educated in Winchester and at New College, Oxford (M.A.). In 1883 passed the I.C.S. examination and went to India in 1885. In 1891 Superintendent of the Punjab census. From 1906 Chief secretary to Government of the Punjab, 1910 Secretary to Revenue and Agriculture Department, Government of India, 1915-18 Secretary to Education department. In 1919 Lieutenant-Governor of the Punjab and in 1921-24 its Governor. In 1919-24 also Chancellor of the University of Punjab. In 1924 returned to England concentrating on his studies in London. President of Royal Asiatic Society in 1925-28 and 1931-34. Died after long illness. K.C.S.I. and K.C.I.E. Married 1905 Edith Emily Morony, two daughters.
Publications: Census report for the Punjab: The Punjab and its feudatories. 16+358+136 p. 15 pl. Calcutta 1892 (new ed. part of the Tribes and Castes).
– “The Jesuit Missions to the Emperor Akbar”, JASB 65, 1896, 36-113.
– Notes on Western Pañjābī. Lahore 1900.
– With D. Ibbetson & H. A. Rose: A Glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Province. 1-3. 923+573+536 p. S.l. 1911.
– “The Travels of Fray Sebastian Manrique in the Panjab, 1641”, JPHS 1, 1911-12, 83-106 & 151-166 (tr.); “Earliest English visitors to the Punjab 1585–1627”, JPHS 1, 1911-12, 109-134.
– The Jesuits and the Great Mogul. 21+433 p. 11 pl. L. 1932.
– A great number of reviews in the JRAS.
Sources: K.R. Hambye, “E.D.M. and Henry Hosten: The Golden Jubilee of ‘The Jesuits and the Great Mogul’ 1832–1982”, ICHR 17, 1983, 67-72; R.O. Winstedt, JRAS 1953, 90; Wikipedia with photo.
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