MACLAGAN, Robert. Edinburgh 14.12.1820 — 22.4.1894. Sir. British (Scottish) Colonial Officer in India. General. Son of David M., a physician, and Jane (or June) Whiteside. Educated at Edinburgh Academy and Addiscombe. Joined E.I.C.’s army in 1839 as engineer and fought in the Sikh war. Principal of Govt. Engineering College in Roorkee and 1860-79 Chief Engineer and Secretary to Punjab Public Works Dept. Retired 1879, then living in Edinburgh and London. Married 1855 Patricia Gilmour (1830–1907), four sons (—> Edward M.) and two daughters.
Publications: Articles on history in JASB, CR, Enc. Brit., etc., e.g. “Fragments of the History of Mooltan, the Deraját, and Buhawulpoor, from Persian MSS.”, JASB 17:2, 1848, 559-571.
– “The Jesuit Mission of the Emperor Akbar, by E. D. Maclagan, from notes recorded by late General R.M.”, JASB 65, 1896, 38-113.
Sources: R.M. Smith, Proc. of Royal Soc. of Edinburgh 20, 1895, xlvi-xlviii; Th.H. Thornton, JRAS 1894, 603-607; Wikipedia with photo.
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