MARSHALL, John (traveller)

MARSHALL, John. 16?? — 1677. British Traveller in India. Studies at Cambridge (M.A. Christ’s College). Employed by E.I.C. in India from 1668, apparently died there. Served in Bengal and under Job Charnock in Patna. Made a great number of notes on Indian customs, religion, etc., which were published only in the 20th century. He attempted to learn the Devanāgarī script and to translate the Bhāgavatapurāṇa from a Persian version. According to the Spectator “Marshall, from his diary, appears to have been a reserved, self-centred creature, with little interest in those with whom his lot was cast”.

Publications: Edited by Shafaat Ahmad Khan: John Marshall in India. Notes and observations in Bengal 1668–1672. 471 p. Allahabad Univ. Studies in History 5. L. 1927.

Sources: Review of the book by Konow in OLZ 1928, 1003, another in the Spectator in

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