MERVART, Ljudmila Aleksandrovna (née Levina). St.Petersburg 25.8. (6.9.)1888 — Moscow 9.9.1965. Russian Indologist, Anthropologist and South-East Asian (Indonesian) Scholar. Daughter of Aleksandr Mihajlovič Levin, Professor at Academy of Military Medicine. Gymnasium in St.Petersburg. Began study at St.Petersburg Oriental Faculty in 1910, married 1912. In 1914-18 in India and Sri Lanka doing fieldwork with his husband —> A. M. Mervart (1884–1932), returned to St.Petersburg in 1922. In 1918-23 taught at Far Eastern University in Vladivostok. Like his husband worked in Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) in Leningrad. In 1927 official visit to Paris and Leiden. She was arrested in October 1929, released, but rearrested in 1930 and sentenced for five years like her husband. Surviving the camp she was released in 1935. According to Miliband: Kand. obščestv. nauk and kand. filol. nauk, both 1936, Docent 1940. In 1924-44 naučnyj sotrudnik at Ethnographical Institute of Russian Academy, in 1924-27 also taught at university. According to Vasil’kov et al. she was not allowed to work on her speciality before 1944. In 1945-48 taught Malay/Indonesian at Voennoj Institut Inostrannyh Jazykov, in 1949-58 at Moscow Institut Vostokovedenija. She was the founder of Indonesian philology in Russia.
Publications: At least 15 publications, e.g.:
– “Obrjadovye ubory kašmirskih brahmanov”, Sbornik Muz. Antrop. Ètn. 6, 1927, 165-209; “Malajskij teatr”, Vostočnyj teatr. Lg. 1929, 112-195.
Sources: *NAA 1965:6, 246f. (with photo); Bongard-Levin & Vigasin 1984, 105f. (defective); Miliband 1977 defective, 1995 better; Vasil’kov et al. 1990, 97; Vasil’kov & Sorokina 2003; *Vigasin 2008, 507-534, with photo; *NAA 1965:6, 246f. (with photo); Russian Vikipedija with photo.
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