KÖNIG, Franz

KÖNIG, Franz B. Warth bei Rabenstein, Lower Austria 3.8.1905 — Vienna 13.3.2004. Austrian Orientalist and Scholar of Religion, Roman Catholic Priest, Cardinal. Son of Franz K. (1867–1913) and Maria Fink. Gymnasium in Melk. Studies at Vienna and Rome (under Messsina). Ph.D. 1930 Rome. In 1933 ordained priest in Rome. In 1934-37 vicar in Niederösterreich. Theol. Dr. (Cath.) 1936 Vienna. In 1937-45 canon in Sankt Pölten, in 1945-48 taught religion in Krems, in 1948-52 apl. Professor of Moral Theology at Salzburg. From 1953 titular Bishop of Livias and coadjutor of Sankt Pölten. In 1956-85 Archbishop of Vienna, from 1958 Cardinal. In 1963 and 1978 considered as possible Pope. As theologian reformist and oecumenist. Also scholar of Iranian religion.
Publications: Diss. theol. (Univ. Greg.) Die Amesha Spentas des Awesta und die Erzengel im Alten Testament. Eine religionsgeschichtliche Untersuchung. 61 p. Melk 1935.
– Janert has dr. th. 10 years later at Vienna, with diss. Der Jenseitsglaube im Alten Testament und seine Parallelen in der Religion des Zarathustra. Manuscript of 19+231+33 p. 13 pl. Wien 1946.
– Other works on (mosrly Christian) religion.
Sources: Wikipedia (see also German version) – in both languages long article with photo and further references.

Last Updated on 3 months by Admin


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