MORELAND, William Harrison

MORELAND, William Harrison. Belfast 13.7.1868 — Gerrards Cross, Buckinghamshire 28.9.1938. British (Anglo-Irish) Historian of Islamic India. Born in Northern Ireland, son of the elder W.H.M. and Emily McGowan. Educated 1881-86 at Clifton College, Somerset. In 1886 accepted to I.C.S., studied law and other subjects at Cambridge (LL.B. 1889 Trinity College). In India served as local officer and as Assistant Settlement Officer at Unao, U.P., until 1896. Then 12 years Director of Land Records and Agriculture, U.P. Hampered in his office by deafening retired in 1914, but served then two years as Agricultural Adviser in Central India. Back in England learned Persian, Dutch and Portuguese and began intensive study of Indian economical history in the 16th century. Found many forgotten Dutch sources. C.I.E. 1905. C.S.I. 1912.

Publications: A book on the agriculture in the United Provinces, 1904, and a history of revenue administration, 1911; An introduction to Economics for Indian students. 19+343 p. L. 1913.

India at the death of Akbar. 11+328 p. L. 1920; India from Akbar to Aurangzeb. A Study of Indian Economic History. 13+364 p. L. 1923; The Agrarian System of Moslem India. 17+296 p. Cambridge 1929.

Translated with Geyl: Jahangir’s India. The Remonstrantie of Francisco Pelsaert. 16+88 p. Cambridge 1925; ed.: Relations of Golconda in the early 17th century. 51+199+48 p. Hakluyt Soc. 2:66. L. 1931; Peter Floris: His Voyage to the East Indies in the Globe. 70+164 p. L. 1934.

With A. C. Chatterjee: A Short History of India. 10+496 p. L. 1936 (mainly cultural and economical).

Many articles and reviews in JRAS.

Sources: R. Burn, JRAS 1939, 155-157; *M. Case, “The Historical Craftmanship of W.H.M., Indian Economic and Social Hist. Review 2, 1965, 245-258;; Wikipedia with photo.

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