MUUSSES, Martha Adriana. Purmerend 27.9.1894 — Laren, North Holland 27.10.1981. Dutch Indologist. Daughter of Jan Muusses (1847–1909), a bookseller, and Trijnte Ruerdi (1860–1920). Matriculated from Hoorn, started study of Dutch philology at Utrecht, soon became student of Caland. Ph.D. 1920 Utrecht, with a diss. on sacred cows. For a few years secretary and librarian of the Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wet. in Indonesia (1921-26). In 1926 she moved to Scandinavia, studied first at Uppsala, then worked as a teacher (lektor) of Dutch language in 1928-29 at Copenhagen, from 1930 at Stockholm University, from 1941 also at Uppsala and in 1944-46 at Gothenburg. Retired in 1962 and returned to the Netherlands in 1971. Unmarried.
Publications: Diss. Koecultus bij de Hindoes. 116 p. Purmerend 1920.
– Dozen articles about Indonesiean antiquity and Javanese literature, 1922-29.
– A Dutch grammar (1937), Dutch literary history (1947), translation anthologies (1944, 1947) and other works in Swedish, own poetry in Dutch.
Sources: A. van Marken, Jaarboek van de Maatschappij der Nederlandse Letterkunde te Leiden 1982-83, 93-98; Dutch Indology homepage; Dutch Wikipedia.
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