NIEUHOFF, Johan. Uelsen, Grafschaft Bentheim (Germany) 22.7.1618 — Madagascar 8.10.1672. Dutch Traveller in India in the middle of the 17th century. Son of the mayor of Uelsen, van Nijhoff and Egberta Picardt. In 1640-49 in Brazil during the Dutch attempt to establish a colony there, then in the service of Dutch East India Company. Resided several years in Batavia, also several times visiting India, especially Kerala. In 1654-57 participated in the Dutch embassy to Peking. In 1663 in Quilon, in 1663-67 in Sri Lanka. Accused for illegal trade in pearls he was fired from service. After a brief visit to home he was returning to Asia as merchant, but was lost on a trade expedition in Madagascar, probably shot by local people.
He was acquainted with Baldaeus. According to Oaten he wrote one of the best accounts of South India.
Publications: Het gezantschap der Neêrlandtsche Oost-Indische Compagnie, aan den grooten Tartarischen Cham, den tegenwoordigen keizer van China. Amsterdam 1665, soon also in French, German, Latin, and English (by Ogilby, 1673).
– Zee- en Land-Reyze door verscheide Gewesten van Oostindien. Amsterdam 1682.
– Gedenkweerdige Brasiliaense Zee- en Lant-Reise und Zee- en Lant-Reize door verscheide Gewesten van Oostindien. Amsterdam 1682.
Sources: Oaten 1909, 245f.; Wikipedia with portrait and further references (see also Dutch version).
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