NITTI-DOLCI, Luigia. Naples 31.7.1903 — Paris 1.1.1939. Italo-French Indologist in Paris. Daughter of Francesco Saverio Nitti (1868–1953), a politician holding important positions in pre-fascist Italy (Prime Minister 1919-20), and Antonia Persico. Educated in Naples (school and university, studied classics). In 1923 the family escaped the fascists to Geneva. Herself she came then to Paris and studied there Indology under Lévi, Foucher and Bloch. Dr.-ès-lettres 1938 Paris. She was employed at the Institut de civilisation indienne as the editor of the Nepalese manuscripts brought by Lévi. Married. Died of embolus 15 days after the birth of her second child. She was specialized in Prakrit grammarians, but the early death cut off her career.
Publications: Diss. Les grammariens prākrits. 7+229 p. P. 1938, English transl. by Pr. Jhā 1972.
— With L. Renou & N. Stchoupak, Dictionnaire sanskrit-française. 4+897 p. P. 1938.
— Edited: Le Prākṛtānuśāsana de Puruṣottama. 27+141 p. Cahiers de la Société Asiat. 6. P. 1938; La première śākhā du Prākṛtakalpataru de Rāmaśarman. 93 p. B.E.H.E. 273. P. 1939.
Sources: N. Stchoupak, NIA 2, 1939–40, 67f.; R. Lardinois, D.O.L.F. 721f. *Luigia Nitti-Dolci. 37 p. P. 1939 (by R. Curiel, J. Bloch, J. Filliozat, L. Renou & N. Stchoupak).
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