OCHOA, Charles d’

OCHOA, Pierre Charles Olloba d’. Bayonne 26.2.1816 — Paris 2.6.1846. French Traveller. Illegitimate son of Julie Belles. Educated in Bordeaux. Employed by a shipping company he visited South India in 1835-36 and now developed an interest in Indian languages and literature. In 1839 student of Garcin de Tassy at É.L.O.V. In 1843-44 scientific mission to India (Bombay, Poona, Bijapur) collecting manuscripts for National Library.
Publications: Translated Robert Boileau Pemberton’s account as “Ambassade du Boutan”, Nouvelles Annales de Voyages 4:1 (86), 1840:2, ??-??.
Sources: *A.R. Kulkarni, “Charles d’Ochoa: A French Orientalist of the Mid-19th Century”, Proc. Indian Hist. Congress 49, 1988, 447-455; J. Petit 2022 in https://agorha.inha.fr/detail/678.

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