OSSOWSKI, Juliusz J.

OSSOWSKI, Juliusz Jan. Danzig (Gdansk) 4.11.1855 — Königsberg 4.2.1882. Polish Student of Indo-Iranian Linguistics. Son of Henryk O. (d. 1868), a smith, and Marianna Skibińska. After gymnasium in Chełmnie began 1875 studies at Breslau: Classics, German and Sanskrit (Stenzler). In 1877 interrupted because of health problems. After a while as private tutor he moved to Königsberg and continued his studies of comparative linguistics (Bezzenberger), Sanskrit (Garbe), German, history and Lithuanian. After another interval in 1878-80 as private tutor in Czerwon he concluded his studies. Ph.D. 1880 Königsberg. Died of tuberculosis. Unmarried. Beside linguistics and Sanskrit he was much interested in local history and ethnography of Masuria.

Publications: Diss. Über den Lautwerth einiger palatale im sanskrit. 32 p. Königsberg 1880.

Translated into Polish: “Sâvitri. Powiastka indyjska”, Lech 1878:52.

Articles about Polish and Prussian languages, history and ethnography.

Sources: Diss. in Janert; W. Bieńkowski in http://www.ipsb.nina.gov.pl/a/biografia/juliusz-jan-ossowski (in Polish).

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