BACHHOFER, Ludwig. Munich 30.6.1894 — Carmel, CA 1976. German Art Historian in the U.S.A. Professor in Chicago. From 1916 studies at Munich, soon interrupted by war service, Ph.D. 1921, then further studies of ethnography under Scherman. In 1927-35 PD at Munich. The nomination as ao. Professor was cancelled and in 1934 he emigrated to the U.S.A. because his wife was classified as “non-Aryan”. From 1935 Assistant Professor of Art at the University of Chicago, soon 1936 Associate Professor and from 1941 or 1943 full Professor of Art at the same university. From 1955 also chairman of the Department. Retired in 1965. Married 1926 Hilda Nelson, one daughter.

Beginning with East Asian art (but already also interested in Indian) Bachhofer later concentrated on Indian and Central Asian art. He did not know any Asian languages.

Publications: Diss. on Japanese woodcuts, 1921; Chinesische Kunst. 80 p. Breslau 1923; A short history of Chinese Art. 139 p. N.Y. 1946.

Frühindische Plastik. 1–2. 7+137 p. 161 pl. Munich & Florenz 1929; Early Indian Sculpture. 1-2. 137 p. 161 pl. P. 1929.

– “Zur Datierung der Gandhāra Plastik”, Zeitschrift für Buddhismus 6, 1924–25, 4–30; “Herrscher und Münzen der späten Kushānas”, JAOS 56, 1936, 429-439; “On Greeks and Ṥakas in India”, JAOS 61, 1941, 223-250; other articles; reviews in OLZ in the 1930s.

Sources: *H. Stern, AAA 31, 1977-78, 110; Dir. of American Scholars 1st ed. 1942 & 3rd edition 1957; death noted in JAOS 97, 1977; *H. Vanderstappen in H. Walravens, Bibliographies on the East Asian art history of Germany 1983; *U. Wendland, Biographisches Handbuch deutschsprachiger Kunsthistoriker im Exil: Leben und Werk der unter dem National­sozialismus verfolgten und vertriebenen Wissenschaftler. Munchen 1999,  vol. 1, 18-20; short account with photo in; Wikipedia (more in German version).

Last Updated on 12 months by Admin


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