ZUPITZA, Ernst. Oppeln in Schlesien (now Opole in Poland) 17.3.1874 — Greifswald 13.10.1917 (when 43). German IE Scholar. Professor in Greifswald. Son of Julius Zupitza (1844–1895), a Germanist and Anglist. Ph.D. 1896 Berlin. PD 1900 Greifswald. In 1901-17 as ao. Professor in charge of the teaching of IE linguistics at Greifswald (after Zimmer went to Berlin). He was mainly an IE and Germanic linguist, with a side-interest in Old Slavic, but not primarily interested in Sanskrit.

Publications: Diss. Kritik der Lehre vom Übergang indogermanischer labiovelarer Geräuschlaute in germanische reine Labiale. 47 p. B. 1896, the whole work (with diss. as pp. 1-47): Die germanischen Gutturale. 262 p. 1896.

–  “Wortdeutungen”, KZ 35, 1899, 265-271; “Etymologien”, BB 25, 1899, 89-105; “trṇt und tṛnt”, KZ 36, 1900, 54-74 ( here used instead the missing diacritic for nasalis sonans); “Miscellen”, KZ 37, 1904, 387-406; further writings, mainly on German.

– “Johannes Schmidt”, Bursians Jahresber. (der Fortschr. class. Alt.) 111, 1903, 145-155.

Sources: *A. Debrunner, Idg.Jb. 7, 1919, 160-163 and bibliography 163f.; stray notes in Internet.

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