URAY, Géza

URAY, Géza. Budapest 16.8.1921 — Vienna 17.7.1991. Hungarian Tibetan Scholar. Professor in Budapest. Reluctantly following his father’s wish he enrolled the Military Academy in 1939, but in 1940 moved to university. First studied law, from 1942 Tibetan under Ligeti. In 1944 forced to take military service. In 1947 continued his studies. M.A. 1948 in Tibetan. In 1948-49 taught at Inner Asian Institute, but had then to leave university on political grounds and joined the Linguistic Institute of Hungarian Academy, where he worked at Bibliography Department until 1973. From 1973 taught at Department of Oriental Studies, retired in 1984, but remained as a part-time consultant. From 1979 also titular Associate Professor of Eötvös Loránd University, 1990 titular full Professor. Cand. of Sciences 1970 Budapest, in 1988 obtained the title of Dr. Sc. Several times Guest Lecturer in Vienna. Married Katalin Kőhalmi (1926–2012), a scholar of Mongolian, two children.

Publications: No books, but a number of articles and reviews on Tibetan language, later also on Tibetan history (many in the AOHu); also popular articles in Hungarian.

– “Duplication, germination and triplication in Tibetan”, AOHu 4, 1954, 177-256.

–  “The Narrative of Legislation and Organization of the Mkhas-pa’I dga’-ston: the origins of the traditions concerning sron-brcan sgam-po as first legislator and organizer of Tibet”, AOHu 26, 1972, 11-68.

“Tibet’s Connections with Nestorianism and Manicheism in the 8th-10th Centuries”, E. Steinkellner & H. Tauscher, Contributions to Tibetan Language, History and Culture. 1. Vienna 1983, 399-429; “Contributions to the Date of the Vyutpatti-Treatises”, AOHu 43, 1989, 3-21.

A feast for scholars: selected studies. Edited by G. Orosz. 704 p. Budapest 2019.

Sources: A. Róna-Tas, AOHu 46, 1992/93, 93-95; *Tibetan history and Language. Studies dedicated to Uray Géza on his 70th birthday. Wiener Studien zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde 26. Vienna 1991 (with photo & bibliography); briefly Wikipedia, but with good bibliography.

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