VÄTH, Alfons

VÄTH, Alfons. Werbachhausen, Kr. Main-Tauber 15.3.1874 — Bonn 12.5.1937. Father. S.J. German Missionary and Indian Historian. Working in Bombay in 1899-1903 and 1910-16. He founded in 1913 St. Xavier’s College as a historical institute and worked there teaching English and Indian history until the WW I interrupted the work of German Jesuits in India. After internment (?) he was in 1918-25 editor of the journal Die Katholischen Missionen.

Väth was more interested in missionary work and its history as in India. He criticized Indian doctrines, but was pessimistic about the succes of mission. The national movement he rejected as “anti-Christian”.

Publications: Die deutschen Jesuiten in Indien. Geschichte der Mission von Bombay-Puna (1854-1920). 8+260 p. 47 ill. Regensburg 1920.

Der heilige Thomas, der Apostel Indiens. Eine Untersuchung über den historischen Gehalt der Thomas-Legende. 47 p. Aachen 1918, 2nd rev. & enl. ed. 7+91 p. Aachen 1925.

Im Kampfe mit der Zauberwelt des Hinduismus. Upadhyaya Brahmabandhav und das Problem der Überwindung des höheren Hinduismus durch das Christentum. 238 p. B. 1928.

Die Inder. 8+295 p. Geschichte der führenden Völker 28. Freiburg i. B. 1934, French Transl. Histoire de l’Inde et de sa culture. 1937.

With L. van Hee: Johann Adam Schall von Bell S.J., Missionar in China, kaiserlicher Astronom und Ratgeber am Hofe von Peking 1592–1666. 20+380 p. Köln 1933.

– Further works on the history of mission.

Sources: *K. Mühlek, Biographisch-Bibliographische Kirchenlexikon 12, 1997, 1014f.; German Wikipedia.

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