VLIET, Joannes van der. Reeuwijk, South Holland 24.4.1847 — Utrecht 17.7.1902. Dutch Classical Scholar and Indologist. Professor in Utrecht. Son of Rev. Frederick van der Vliet and Sara Sophia la Lau. Gymnasium and studies of Classics at Leiden, Ph.D. 1874. In Sanskrit student of Kern. In 1874-91 school-teacher in Zaltbommel, Assen and Haarlem. From 1890 Docent of Sanskrit at Amsterdam. From 1891 Professor of Latin Language and Literature at Utrecht, where he also took to teach Sanskrit, which was compulsory for the students of Germanic philology. Married Lourentia Willemina Vos (1857–1885), one son.
Van der Vliet was enthusiastically interested in Sanskrit and Javanese, but Latin was always his main job, and in Indology he remained a dilettant. He was the first to teach Sanskrit at Amsterdam University.
Publications: Diss. on the rhetorical works of Denys of Halicarnassus. 1874.
– Latin school editions and works on Latin philology.
– Translated: Danseres en koning. Malavika en Agnimitra. Toneelstuk. 132 p. Haarlem 1882.
– A few articles on Sanskrit and Javanese philology, i.al. the review of Speyer’s Sanskrit Syntax in IG 10, 1888, 1346-1353.
Sources: Damsté, N.N.B.W. 3, 1914, 1323; J.H. Gallée, Levensberichten van de Mij. der Ned. Letterkunde te Leiden. 1903-04, 62-75 (also in *Utrechtsche Studenten Almanak 1903); *Hartman, Jaarboek der Kon. Akad. v. Wet. 1903; “een bescheiden onderkomen” 1981, 83f.; family in geni.com; bibliography in Dutch Studies on South Asia with a few further references and small photo; good photo in collectienederland.nl.
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