WODILLA, Paul. 4.3.1903 — 7.3.1982. Slovakian student of Indologyin Germany. Gymnasium in Kežmarok, matriculated 1922. Then studied theology and philosophy at Bratislava, in 1926 moved to Erlangen. Ph.D. 1928 Erlangen. Then returned to Czechoslovakia, but 1946 moved to Karlsruhe. There he was working in town administration (Stadtrat 1959-71).
Publications: Diss. Niedere Gottheiten des Buddhismus. Dargestellt auf Grund der Jātakas. 69 p. Erlangen 1928.
Sources:  Diss. in Janert; his identity remained long a riddle, but kezmarok.com contains short life and photo (I cannot read everything in Slovakian, but doctorate at Erlangen and career in Karlsruhe come out); some stray notes in Internet about his later career.

Last Updated on 3 months by Admin


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