YOUNG, Gerard Mackworth. 7.4.1884 — 28.11.1965. British Civil Servant in India, then archaeologist in Greece. Son of Sir William Mackworth Young (1840–1924) of I.C.S. and Frances Mary Egerton. Educated at Eton College, studied classics at King’s College, Cambridge. Joined I.C.S. 1907 and was assigned to the Punjab. Deputy Commissioner of Delhi in 1921, Deputy Secretary of the Army Department of the Government of India in 1924, and Secretary to the Army Department in 1926. Retired in 1932. Then student at British School in Athens , from 1936 its Director. During WW II 1941-44 Joint Secretary of the War Department. Returned to Athens, but retired in 1946. Married 1916 Natalie Leila Margaret Hutchinson, two sons and two daughters.
Publications: “A new hoard from Taxila (Bhir Mound)”, Ancient India 1, 1946, 27-36, 6 pl.
– Also wrote on Greek art and archaeology, translated Callimachus (1934).
Sources: *D. Powell, Oxford D.N.B.; Wikipedia.
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