PRICE, John Frederick. Hobart, Tasmania 3.10.1839 — Exmouth, Devon 12.6.1927. Sir. British (Australian) Civil Servant in India. Son of John Giles Price (1809–1857, born in Cornwall) and Mary Franklin. Educated at Melbourne University, he joined the Madras Civil Service in 1862. Became Chief Secretary to Government of Madras in 1888 and Member of Legislative Council in Madras in 1893. Retired 1897. C.I.E. 1893, K.C.S.I. 1898. Married Alice Phillips (d. 1931), six children.
Publications: Transl. from Tamil: The Private Diary of Ananda Ranga Pillai, 1736–1761. 1-2. Madras 1904-07 (then further vols. by H. Dodwell).
– Ootacamund: a history. 11+281 p. 19 pl. Madras 1908.
Sources: Buckland, Dictionary; briefly in Wikipedia.
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