TEXTOR DE RAVISI, Anatole Arthur, M. le baron. Bourges 15.6.1822 — Paris 8.1.1902. French Colonial Servant. Son of Étienne Textor, an officer (1790–1826), of an old noble family of Forez, and Anne Marie Guenot. Attended 1840-42 Saint-Cyr military school, then joined marine infantery. Served in Morocco and 1847-52 in Réunion. Captain 1850. Administrator of the French Karikal in India in 1853-63. For health reasons returned to France and held various administrative offices, in 1864-70 in Bohain (Aisne), 1871-74 in Nantes, 1874-85 in St. Etienne (Loire). Then retired and living in Paris. Without success he tried to enter politics, characterizing himself as a “candidat républicain hindo-européen”. He was interested in ethnography, Buddhism and in French colonial history. Married 1848 Claire Léontine Hamelin, six children.
Publications: Interprétation d’antiques idoles bouddhistes. 55 p. Saint-Quentin 1866.
– “L’inscription du temple d’Odeypore”, Intern. Congrées des Or. Paris 1873, Comptes-rendus 2, 1875, 333-336, and other brief articles, also much unrelated to India.
Sources: B. Desmars in www.charlesfourier.fr/spip.php?article1032; gw.geneanet.org.
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